How do I deploy my own Cordite node?

We use Docker to deploy Cordite nodes. For instructions on starting up a Cordite node using Docker, please visit our Docker Hub Repo for more information on configuration including environment variables:

docker run -it \
        --memory=2048m \
        --cpus=2 \
        -e MY_LEGAL_NAME="O=Cordite-example,L=Berlin,C=DE" \
        -e MY_PUBLIC_ADDRESS="" \
        -e MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS="" \
        -e NETWORK_MAP_URL="" \
        -v $(pwd):/opt/corda/certificates \
        -v $(pwd):/opt/corda/persistence \
        -p 10200:10200 \
        -p 8080:8080 \

Once the node is running, you will be able to see the REST API for accessing Cordite at https://localhost:8080/api. This will bring up a new node on Cordite TEST, certificates will be created and stored in certificates.

You can also use Cordite to join the Corda.Network. Process to join the Corda Network. Below is an example for joining Corda UAT network

docker run -it \
        --memory=2048m \
        --cpus=2 \
        -e MY_LEGAL_NAME="O=Cordite-example,L=Berlin,C=DE" \
        -e MY_PUBLIC_ADDRESS="" \
        -e MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS="" \
        -e NETWORK_MAP_URL="" \
        -v $(pwd):/opt/corda/certificates \
        -v $(pwd):/opt/corda/persistence \
        -p 10200:10200 \
        -p 8080:8080 \

If you do not wish to use Docker then alternatively you can download the Cordite node and run without docker by running ./ You will need Oracle JRE 8 JVM - minimum supported version 8u131.

Environment Variables

Cordite uses environment variables to configure Cordite and create amoungst other things the Corda node.conf file at runtime. We have moved to use the Official Corda Docker Image.

Volume Mounts

File/Folder Description
/opt/corda/c ertificates certificates must be mounted at location
/opt/corda/p ersistence persistent volume must be mounted for H2 and nodeInfo cache
/etc/corda/n ode.config mounted node.conf will be used rather than generated
/opt/corda/l ogs logs can be externally mounted
/opt/corda/c ordapps override Cordite corDapps
DEPRECATED Use Official Corda mounts instead
/opt/cordite /node.conf Configuration file detailing specifics of your node - will be created using env variables if a node.conf is not mounted
/opt/cordite /db Location of the database for that node - for persistence, use volume mount
``/opt/cordite /certificates` ` Location of the nodes’ corda certificates - will be created if no certificates are mounted to node and devmode=true
/opt/cordite /tls-certifica tes Location of TLS certificates - will use self-signed certificates if none are mounted to node
``/opt/cordite `` There is a soft link from /opt/cordite to /opt/corda providing backward compatability